Enudge provides many images for you to use within your email message, but you can also add your own.
Before you upload any images, make sure the file size is no larger than 200kb.
The maximum width of all pre-loaded Enudge templates are 600px. Therefore, if you are using an Enudge template, make sure to resize the banner image to be no more than 600px in width. The same rule applies when you are using/developing a template of your own. The width of the banner image should not exceed the maximum width of the email body at any time. Otherwise, the template will break, resulting in a poor user experience for your recipients.
Image upload
Create a new Email Campaign.
Go to the Email Content & Test page.
Locate the editor and choose Insert > Insert/Edit Image option from the content editor toolbar.
Or click on the image icon in the toolbar:
4. Click on the Browse icon (to the right of the source field).
5. Then click on Upload > Local Machine from the toolbar.ย
Locate your image file from your computer, and click Open. The image will upload into your Enudge account and be available to insert into your message.