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Using the Enudge Logo feature
Using the Enudge Logo feature

Embedded images don't need to be downloaded by your contact

Heather Maloney avatar
Written by Heather Maloney
Updated over a week ago

Email clients often turn off auto download of images, by default, due to the following reasons:

  • To protect against malicious code e.g. viruses and malware.

  • To save time and bandwidth in downloading images.

Microsoft Outlook for example is configured by default to block automatic picture downloads in emails. Below is an example of an email with a hero image in the header, when read using Outlook for desktop.

Enudge Logo Feature

The Enudge Logo feature allows you to ensure that an image appears without the need for the email client to allow it to download, by embedding the image. We call it the logo feature, but you can of course use any image. Often it is used for a banner image to appear at the top of your email, including your logo plus a slogan and other relevant, eye-catching imagery.

Using the Enudge logo feature ensures that the image you insert automatically appears in your contact's email - no need for the recipient to choose to 'download images'. Embedded images are also visible in the email client's preview pane.

Supported image types: JPG, GIF and PNG (supports images with transparent backgrounds)

File size limitation: 1 MB

The logo feature also let's you choose the position and alignment of the image.

Position: Top or Bottom

Alignment: Left, Centre or Right

Positioning the logo image at the top is the most effective, as the recipient will see the immediate visual recognition of your organisation in their email preview pane, which can help increase your email open rate. 

To insert a logo using the logo feature:

  1. Navigate to '1. Campaign Details' of your Enudge email campaign. 

  2. Locate the Logo option.

  3. Click on the 'Choose File' button and locate your image file on your computer.

  4. Specify the logo position by typing in the following letters in the Logo position field, T = top, B = bottom (N = not used). 

  5. Choose the alignment of the logo by typing in the following letters in the Align field, L = left, C = centre and R = right. Please note that the alignment option also determines the alignment of the Spam compliance text at the bottom on your email. If your email message is centred we recommend that you enter ‘C’ in the alignment field, to ensure that the logo, email, and footer are all centred in the email window.

6. Click Save Changes.

Send a test message, and you will see that your image file is embedded in your email at the specified position, without the need to download images.

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