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Add and customise your own templates
Add and customise your own templates

Add, edit and delete templates

Heather Maloney avatar
Written by Heather Maloney
Updated over a week ago

The Enudge Custom Template feature gives you the flexibility to add your own templates to make it easy for you to re-use them on an ongoing basis.

You can add a template, edit it later, and of course insert into any draft email campaign to make creating consistent looking emails quick and easy. When you no longer need the template, you can delete it.

Your own templates will appear at the top of the list of templates that you see when you choose to Insert a template into your email message body.

Important note: Please be careful about uploading email campaign source code directly exported from other email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp. They are likely to contain code that was written to be only compatible with that specific platform, or code which references features of that platform or images stored in that platform which may be removed.

We recommend the following steps for a robust custom template implementation:

  • Use one of the Enudge mobile responsive email templates as a starting point, inside a draft email campaign. The Alpha Collection provides you with many options, including snippets to build out the usual structure for your messages.

  • Edit the content of the email message to include the sections you will most commonly need, and the right colours and imagery for your brand.

  • Test - it is very important to send yourself test emails so you can view how the emails are being rendered by different inbox providers (e.g. Outlook, Apple Mail, Gmail etc) and also on desktop computers and mobile phones.

  • Once you have a great looking email campaign that performs well on mobile phones and well as desktop computers, copy the source code ready to be used for your new template.

If you have trouble making your email look and function just as you want it to, don't hesitate to get in touch so that we can help.

How to Add a Template

1. Go to Templates screen by choosing 'Templates' from the main navigation.

2. Click on the ADD TEMPLATE button.

3. Add the following details:

Template Name*: give the template a unique name to allow easy identification.

Description: write a brief description or provide additional details. This will appear at the top of the template when previewing it in the Insert Template dialog.

Status: select either Draft or Active.

  • Draft - the template will be published on the Templates page and can be edited.

  • Active - as above and the template can be inserted into a draft email campaign.

  • Deleted - the template is removed from all views.

Full Template: it is important that you check this box when adding a complete template (to override the full content of the email body) rather than a code snippet, which will be inserted in amongst the existing content of your email campaign.

Thumbnail: adding a thumbnail image of your template will help you to visually identify it e.g. take & upload a screenshot of your template.

4. Choose Tools > Source code from the email template editor toolbar. Clear the pre-existing code and paste your custom code into the Source Code window. Then click OK.

5. Click on the ADD TEMPLATE button to save your new template. You will now see your template at the top of the list of templates.

Click on the Edit option anytime you wish to update it.

Set template status to Active

Once you are satisfied that your template is ready for use, change its status to Active.

The template can then be inserted into a draft Enudge email via the Insert template option. Your custom templates will be listed at the top of the drop-down menu, as seen in the image below.

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