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Using your Email content to support search engine optimisation
Using your Email content to support search engine optimisation

Bringing additional visitors to your website

Heather Maloney avatar
Written by Heather Maloney
Updated over a week ago

Publishing the content of your email marketing message on your website can be very helpful for further expanding the reach of your message, and for supporting the search engine optimisation of your website.

Immediately that you have made your email campaign active, you will see a link to share the email (without personalisation fields or tracking).  If you miss grabbing that link from the email activation screen, you can always get it later from the Campaign Details screen (look for the Email Share Link).  

You might like to use the Email Share Link in the following ways:

  1. Add a link to the email message within the body of a web page e.g. "Click here to view our latest email message about XYZ".  The text you put in XYZ here is important - it should contain the keywords you are trying to rank well on, and of course be reflected within the content of your email message.

  2. Use the link as the 'src' value of an iFrame in your web page, so that the content of the page appears inside the framework of your web page.  If you use your email content in this way, it is important that your email is mobile responsive.  This means that if the visitor to your website is visiting via a mobile phone, the email content component will adjust to fit nicely within the mobile screen, and text will still be readable without pinching / zooming.

Another way to improve your search engine ranks by using your email content is via sharing the content in social media.  We strongly recommend that as soon as you have sent out your email campaign that you use the social media sharing links in the top of your message (assuming you have turned this feature on for your campaign) to share your message.

Sharing in this ways provides you with the statistics of how many additional views of your email were the result of the share.  If others share your content in the same way, you will see how many views of your content were the result of their sharing of your message also.

Tip: When writing your email content, and particularly your email subject, think about what search terms you would like your audience to search on in order to find you, and then include those terms.  This will do two things:

  1. Ensure that the search terms are included in your email content (and therefore your web content after you publish it using one of the methods mentioned above).

  2. Help your audience to remember what to search for when they are trying to find the content of your email later.  Your email may not have arrived in their inbox at a time when they were most needing it, but if you can help them to remember what to search on to find the content later (either via their email client, or via the web) then you will be in front!

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